The Process Of Volunteering

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The Results and Review My results fall towards mostly Bs. Per the information “You are being pulled in every direction by those who place demands on your time and efforts. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. But this could actually mean that volunteering could be your chance to make some time for yourself. Although volunteering is, by its nature, about giving time to others, it can also be the perfect chance to recoup some time especially for you. You can hear children read at a primary school or spend time with elderly people who have no relatives. Both will prove to be both enjoyable and a relaxing use of your time – and a chance to get away from the people who think they have a right to place demands on you.” (Joanne Walker BA, 2010) …show more content…

For me a responsible citizen is first to start with one’s actions, one that comply with the law, that stand up and fight when injustice happens, staying inform as well as educating others as such that they can become inform and act for the well of the community. It’s also, one that commit to his/her community to make the different by contributing hours of volunteer work, and this one doesn’t have to be something huge as expending too many hours, expending a lot of money but at least some time contributing to the need of the …show more content…

One like the old me would go as far as agreeing with Mark Twain quote, “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.” Well, big changes in our society didn’t happen in one day, neither winning one battle, but with a lot of sacrifice, commitment, battles and of course mistake that along the way were corrected. Similar is the political process that evolve with society and can only change for the better when we as citizens assume our responsibility with ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, our nation and then with the world. It starts as simple as me acting responsibly and doing my part, then collaborating toward goals that affect those around me and or my nation or the world. With that been said is our responsibility to know the importance and the impact my inactivity or activity can cause to a

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