Concept Of Responsibility Essay

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Being responsible implies having the capacity to fulfil specific commitments. Responsibility is not only inherent in the professional environment. Also, a gesture of responsibility to have the capacity to fulfil social commitments or in student areas. Responsibility is a learning that any human being acquires at the level of emotional intelligence over the years. Responsibility is not something unique to adults because anyone, also children, can take care of a specific activity in a manner commensurate with age. In this essay I try to explain the general concept of responsibility, importance of the virtue and examples in my life where I have not acted responsibly, and its effects have been negative. First, responsibility it is the ability that should have a person when you perform any activity in any area of life, with work, family or society. Responsibility is also the fact of being responsible for someone or something, is also used to refer to the obligation to respond to a fact. And it comes from the Latin responsum, of the verbal response, which in turn is formed with the prefix re-, which alludes to the idea of repetition, to return to the back, and the verb spondere, which means "to promise", to "force" or …show more content…

When I went to work the first time outside of Cuba, in the year 2000, my daughter was six months old, I unconsciously and without any responsibility, I thought only in the economic benefit that would bring this trip and I never thought the important thing would be that currently play the role of a good mother. The result of this fatal action was experienced by me when return to Cuba two years after. My daughter did not know me and did not want to take care of her. At the time it had a mix of all negative feeling, that only by the time I have been able to overcome it. She prefers to be cared for by the father that by

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