Essay On Actuarial Science

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I chose to write about actuarial science because my Algebra 2 teacher, Mr. Jones told me that it would suit me well because of my mathematical skills and knowledge. He told me many factors of the job that may affect whether or not I like it, but I ended up liking all of it. He also mentioned all of its great benefits that made it even better. The speaker that came to my school is another big reason why I want to be an actuary. He gave a presentation about actuarial science, and he mentioned how much he enjoyed it. He also mentioned the good pay and good working conditions. Actuarial science would be perfect for me because I like big cities and I have a good work ethic. Thanks to the speaker and Mr. Jones, I am looking into the perfect field for me.

Actuarial science is one of the most needed, high demand occupations in America. It began growing in 1889 with a population of 80-100 in North America. Jacob Shoemaker was the pioneer of actuarial science who said that it is reasonable for every business that is substantial to have an actuary. The actuarial job was noticed more in the 17th century when the demand for life insurance, funeral coverage, and annuities had begun to increase. The expansion of actuaries began when the …show more content…

They measure the probability if occurrences happening, such as a hurricane in California or a heart attack for an old man, based on influential variables. One simple word to describe the actuarial job is risk. Actuaries manage risk, create equations for risk, solve equations for risk, and format how to react to certain risks. Many students who are looking for jobs tend to deviate from anything like this job mainly because it involves crunching numbers at a computer desk. Saying that, to do this job, one must have a desire to solve statistical and higher level mathematical problems. The actuarial job is currently ranked 17th in

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