Avl Tree Essay

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What is an AVL tree? Before introducing AVL tree first of all I will give a short explanation of “tree”,”binary tree” and also “binary search tree” and other concepts.
A graph is a two or three dimensional diagram which can be used to shows relationship between two or more than two quantities. In two dimensional graph there are two axis known as x and y. and in 3 dimensional graph there are 3 axis x y z. These axis clearly describe the height, length and depth of any quantity.
A graph is divided into two groups
Directed Graphs
Undirected Graph
Directed Graphs
Directed graphs are type of graph which contains direction from one node to another node. It is not …show more content…

In forest it is not important that there must be more than one tree. A single tree can also be called as a forest.
Binary Tree is an advance concept of tree. In binary tree every node have maximum of two children. The child to left is called left sub tree and the child which is connected to right is called right sub child.
There are many more concepts of binary tree which I have described below.
Root is a part of binary search tree which is described as the node which does not have any parent. In short we can say that the node which is the starting of binary tree is called root, as this is the starting of tree so we call it root.
Leaf is another part of tree; leaf can be described by the node which does not have any child. A tree can have more than one leafs. In general leaf is called as opposite of root.
As there many more concepts like parents node and child node but I think they can easily be understand. If two nodes are child of same parent then they are called siblings. I node can only have one sibling if we are talking about binary tree.
Before this we have described al lot of details about the binary tree but they are compulsory to understand the concept of binary search tree. A binary search tree works on the following

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