Women As Portrayed In John Stockett's The Help

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The Help is a story about the complicated relationships between African American domestic servants and the white women who employed them. Set in Jackson, Mississippi in a pre civil rights era, the story casts light on the racial discrimination faced by the help. Wondering what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes, Stockett decided to present the story in the voice of black women. The story is narrated by three women .Two of them are black maids working for ladies of the upper class society, and Miss Skeeter, the third one is a white woman aspiring to be a writer. Skeeter has been brought up by black maids since her childhood and longs to find out why her much loved maid, Constantine has disappeared. Aibileen; the second woman spends her working hours looking after her “7th white child” while trying to heal the wounds left by the death of her own son. Minny …show more content…

A ray of light flickered when regardless of any repercussions a publisher held Skeeters hand. An overwhelming response to her efforts gives her further strength. She ensures to send a copy each to the real characters of her stories. Being exposed to the world through Skeeters eyes shook many a white families. But skeeters movement had begun. It’s not just the richness of the language that sets this book apart but how well it enables the reader to visualize; a vivid description of setting and events unfolding the story as you are reading ahead. Through this movement of skeeters, the author brings to us the prejudice and bias felt by the blacks in a racist environment. When we look at the relationship between a black servant and a white employer, initially the former is a cog in the wheel, but gradually the perspective changes. That was the real plot of the story. In skeeters words, “Was this really my story to tell? On the other hand, I just wanted the story to be