Essay On Blister Paving

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The Use of Blister Paving Within a pedestrian environment any disability which the user might have need to be catered for in the design. Such disability could include impairment of walking, hearing or seeing. The latter is normally accommodated by audio features as well as by tactile information underfoot. This form of paving surface is normally used to deliver vital information to visually impaired pedestrians about their surrounding area, such as directional guidance, warning signals as well as presence of a particular amenity. Each form of information is provided through a different pattern on the pavement, these vary from what is called a Blister surface to a Corduroy Surface. The blister paving is normally used to help the pedestrians differentiate between the footway and the carriageway, in the case when the kerb is less than 25mm high or when the two are flush. Various cases provide such a scenario, one of which is when for …show more content…

This peculiarity is done so that the pedestrians can orient and align themselves in the direction of the crossing. Even for such cases, the standards mentioned in the previous paragraph still apply. FIGURE 04 In the case of an uncontrolled crossing in a side road, it is preferable if the blister paving is not positioned within the first one metre from the radius of the kerb [Figure 05]. The blister paving in this case should not be less than 400mm deep. Apart from this, dropped kerbs on either side of the road, should be directly opposite to each other in order to reduce the crossing distance on the carriageway. When the roads are not perpendicular to each other, as shown in the previous example, and are at an acute angle, this would result in one of the kerbs deviated much more than the other one. [Figure

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