Bob Dylan Blowing In The Wind Symbolism

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Robert Allen Zimmerman better known to the general public as Bob Dylan is considered by many a legendary and revolutionary folk musician. To those who are more acquainted with his work and legacy he is not only an exceptional musician but an extraordinary poet, as well. He has been constantly praised for his song-writing abilities and the style in which he writes has gained him immense popularity. He has been proclaimed to be among the greatest poets of the century. The reasons behind him being that great poet are various, however the greatest aspect of his genius is his use of symbols to express ideas in metaphorical ways. Throughout the course of this essay we will look at three of his most famous songs by breaking them line-by-line and analyzing and depicting the allegories, metaphors and symbols that he uses in order to show the link to Symbolism. One of the reasons for which Bob Dylan received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012 is the well-known song “Blowing in the Wind” (, 2012). Written in 1962, in times of the Civil Rights movement and the war in Vietnam it is widely regarded as one of his finest songs, especially for its lyrics. Although many experts claim that the song was a protest against wars and injustice in general, Dylan himself said that he wrote it as “just a statement of how the world is”. The use of metaphors and allegories symbolizing certain things and ideas makes it just another gem in the literary world. The song

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