
Bob Jones Diary Entry

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Hi, I am Bob Jones. I am 10 years old, and I live in a very nice part of Minnesota. I have 2 siblings that live with my dad, and I live with my mom. I will be going on a trip with my boy’s coir very soon. I forgot where we are going but we are going someplace that is very far away from where I live now. This will be the first time that I will be going on an airplane by myself. My mom told me that she is not able to go with. For some period of time, I was contemplating renegading my boy's choir, because some kids were bullying me. Now that boy is nice to me though.
Dear diary, today is the worst day of my life because our plane crashed somehow. There are also no adults that I can see. I am currently with my choir and lots of other boys. We are all very chaos. We meet up with these two other boys in the strangest way. Jack, my leader thought that he heard a noise and so did we. We walked towards the noise to find several other boys. The names of the two boys that made the noise were Ralph, and Piggy. All of the other kids are very vociferous. After we talked to each other for a while we all thought that it would be a good idea to have a meeting to figure things out. The first …show more content…

Everyone is so afraid of the beast and Jack, Ralph, and Simon say that they have seen the beast. On top of that, all of our food is musty. We are all very frightened after hearing that. So today we were all just sitting at the fire have fun and playing when we heard something in the woods, we were not sure what it was so we all very quickly grabbed are spears and waited for whatever it was to come walking out. All of us took our positions, but when the thing came wobbling out of the woods no one knew what to do besides attack it. I tried to suppress everyone but it was no use. We all were going savage on the thing; once we all back off of it we realized that it was Simon. Everyone was at a loss for words, he was the only good left is all of

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