Body Language Learning Reflection

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For this lesson, I chose different teaching materials, various tasks and different activities. After I chose the text from the New Flight 2 workbook, I began to search for materials that I could use in class. I searched both at the library and on the Internet. At the library, I found a book with photocopiable materials that I could use. The book is called Intercultural Resource Pack (2004) and there I found a task on body language that was suitable for this lesson. On the Internet, I found a video, pictures, tasks and different activities that were appropriate for this topic. After I gathered all the material I needed, I started making a Prezi presentation for the lesson where I included the pictures and the video found on the Internet. These …show more content…

In order to do that, they had to write 1 for perfectly acceptable, 2 for just about acceptable and 3 for unacceptable. I explained to them what they were supposed to do, gave them a few minutes to read the task and then they had to work in pairs. After they were finished, we checked the task together by taking every statement and analyse it. I exemplified every statement on the list using my own body. The pupils were engaged and attentive. In order to involve as many pupils as possible, they were asked to raise their hand and vote if they thought the statement was acceptable, just about acceptable or unacceptable. I wrote their suggestions on the …show more content…

One of the pupils said: Dogs and cats! I was satisfied with the answer, so I moved on to the other slide, which had two photos with dogs and cats body language and a cartoon video from You tube with two cats (Simon’s cat – Double trouble, 2011). First, I explained the photos and then I played the video. In the video, the pupils could observe the cats’ body language in different situations. The pupils thought the video was funny; they were all laughing or smiling while it was playing. After the video ended, I asked them what the cats’ body language was in and what it expressed. The pupils were not quite sure what to answer so I had to reformulate some of the questions or to make them easier. After that the pupils were able to come with suggestions and own

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