William Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury

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“The Sound and the Fury” Book Notes

“The Sound and the Fury” was published in 1929. It was not well received by the public until 1931,when the author William Faulkner published a new book,”Sanctuary”,which he said himself was written for fame and money. After Sanctuary was published,readers of Sanctuary started to read other novels by William Faulkner and they soon realized that “The Sound and the Fury” was a very well written book and after that it attained huge fame.“The Sound and the Fury” was Faulkner’s fifth book which was written at approximately the halfway point of his career. Until then,none of his other books had received much attention by the public. Faulkner lived in Mississippi and he wrote his books from the early 1920’s to the outbreak of World War II.The plot of “The Sound and the …show more content…

There are many flashbacks in the story; often the character’s are trying to remember what life was like before their family lost their fame. However,there is very little foreshadowing present in the novel,most likely due to the fact that Faulkner is only writing what a certain character are thinking of at a specific time.not dreaming about the future.The overall layout of “The Sound and the Fury” is quite confusing to the reader at first. The novel is divided into four parts-one narrated by Benjy,one narrated by Quentin Compson,one narrated by Jason,and finally one narrated by the author himself,Faulkner. All sections of the novel except for Quentin’s takes place in the year 1928,whereas Quentin’s part takes place in the year 1910. There are no formal chapters within the sections,with the date acting as a chapter in some

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