
Book Reports On Night By Elie Wiesel

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In the book “night,” by Elie Wiesel,shows his experiences and memories during the holocaust from 1941-1945. The holocaust was a time when hitler ordered that all jews to be wiped out completely. Hitler said this “Wir müssen uns von den dreckigen europäischen Juden aus unserer großen Nation befreien, um es zu dem zu machen, was es für uns ist.” What do you think this saying says?

First,let's talk about who Elie Wiesel is. Elie Wiesel is a jewish author of the book “Night” where he was the main character in the story. Elie was born in september 30,1928,in sighet Romania. He died at his home in New York city on July 2,2016,he was 87 when he died.

Second,let us talk about the holocaust that Elie went through. The age the Elie came to his first camp,which was auschwitz,was 15 years old. He lost his mother and his sister at …show more content…

Hitler was 18 years old when his mother died. His mother,klara hitler,died from breast cancer from the poor care from a jewish doctor. And that's where hitler began his hatred for all jews.

Fourth,let’s talk about hitler’s family in throughout their time. Hitler was born in April 20,1889 by his parents Alois and Klara hitler. Hitler had seven siblings,paula hitler,angela hitler,alois hitler jr,edmund hitler,otto hitler,gustav hitler,and ida hitler.

Fifth,let’s talk about when hitler’s family died. Hitler’s first sibling was Gustav Hitler,in december 8,1887,he died from diphtheria. Hitler's second sibling was Ida hitler,in january 2,1888,she died from diptheria as well. Hitler's third sibling was otto hitler,in june,1892,he died also from diptheria. Hitler’s fourth sibling was Edmund hitler,in february 2,1900,he died from measles. Hitler's fifth sibling was angela hitler,in october 30,1949,she died from a stroke. Hitler's sixth sibling was Alois hitler jr,in may 2,1956,he died from a pleural hemorrhage.Hitler's seventh sibling was paula hitler,in june 1,1960,she died from natural

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