Border Dispute Analysis

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The border disputes have political and historical backgrounds, therefore, they often result in empirical destructive effects within the state. In addition to security issues, several economic and social issue also develop. Main concerns of border disputes are economic issues or dwelling resources. In addition to this, three countries share the Lake Malawi and its natural resources. Furthermore, these assets are decreasing at an alarming rate. At the cost of the border disputes, the civilians are suffering. Proper attention needs to be paid to preserve the dwelling resources of the Lake. Destructive activities effect the Lake’s ecosystem negatively and these problems give a noticeable increase to the chances of clash in the future over the resources. …show more content…

The rise in tension between the two countries regarding the border conflict has impacted the financial capital by causing micro and macro level distortion in the economic system of the countries. Markets fail because of reasons of insecurity and lack of insurance leading to reduced employment for the people. Additionally, political disturbances are created within the country as a result of the border dispute. The dispute has a significant effect on the economic system of the country and its growth. Moreover, the dispute has also negatively effects the people in the aspects of finance, economic, physical, psychological, social, and …show more content…

Border conflict is an issue of distrust and lack of confidence between two states. The major cause of border disputes often involve control over land rich in natural resources. In the modern world, rapid growth of population and diminishing resources are a major concern throughout the world. Border conflicts are followed by an intensive history of disputes and arguments over confusions and misinterpretation of the map showing the boundary line between the two independent states. Moreover, the border conflicts all over the world commonly have the same causes and effects on a country’s independent system. Furthermore, the amount of border conflicts in the world summarizes the importance and status of territorial boundary in the international

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