
Brave New World Dystopia

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Society is slowly becoming a Dystopia. The book Brave New World show what is wrong with the world and what the world might become if we not carefully. The author of the Brave New World. It was written in 1931. Society is becoming a Brave New World due to drugs, social values and sex/promiscuity Drugs can be used to numb away a person’s chaotic emotions. The use of drugs can have an unfavorable effect on the world and the people itself. “Don’t you even understand what manhood and freedom are?!” (Huxley 213). After his mother, Linda’s death, John come to the striking conclusion that the people of the Brave New World are imprisoned. Imprisoned, not by cages or bars, but under the faculty of society itself. In the book, Suma is …show more content…

This gives the illusion of being content. Not realizing our emotions, makes us who we are. Without those emotions, we don’t feel the loss of a loved one or the anger toward an imperfect world. We don’t even feel basic emotions such as love. By trying to take away some pain, they end up taking away a part of themselves. In the real world this can happen to the people who suffer from drug abuse. “One can however, develop a tolerance for it requiring ever-larger doses to achieve the same effects” (“Psychological Effect of LSD” Par. 8). LSD is an illegal drug that causes people to see and hear things that do not exist. The correct term for that is hallucination. To the user, the hallucination can be pleasing and stimulating. A person can not be physically addicted to a drug, but can psychologically depend on it. This can collate with the drug …show more content…

After John leaves, it ignites a feeling in her, that she has never felt before, rejection. This is something that she can’t handle. Feeling scorned and dejected, she takes some suma to terminate her feeling. The drug suma easily ends all feeling of being inadequate in John's eyes or hers. “In many cases, these depression help a person get on with life despite some continuing mensl pain and difficulty coping with (Antidepressant Medication Par. 4). Antidepressant is a drug that is used as a treatment to deal with depression. People will alway feel depression by something in the world, that will never change, but this drug take away your melancholy view of life by alerting your emotion and help you be able to cope with your misery. By doing that, these drug try to battle sadness and lower the number of death from suicide, so in a way this drugs is saving life. Although, what has our society come to that we need drugs to keep us from killing ourselves? That now, the people in the world is so sad that more than 60% in U.S. use these drugs to keep away the sudcial thought away. We are depended on the drug that basically keep us sane. How is our society any different from the book Brave New World? The people use the drug suma continuous everyday to get through life and the side effect it take away all emotion. So will this happen to our society if we keep using drug to deal with our

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