Breastfeeding In Indonesia Essay

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Breastfeeding in Indonesia
EBF practice in Indonesia has been supported by the government since 2009, when breastfeeding law, which regulates EBF, breastfeeding campaign and advocacy, and infant formula commercial prohibition, has been endorsed (Shetty 2014). The implementation of the law is also supported by ‘Hygiene and Healthy Life Behaviours’ campaign (‘Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat’/PHBS) from Indonesian Ministry of Health, which promote ten healthy behaviours to be implemented at household level, including EBF practice (Kemenkes 2011). Triggered by the law and promotion, countless EBF elucidations have been conducted and increased the EBF rate across the archipelago. The result of Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar/Riskesdas) carried out by the Ministry of Health shows the EBF rate rose from 15.3% in 2010 to 38% in 2013 (Kemenkes 2010; Kemenkes 2013).
Even though the EBF rate increased, the law implementation is considered weak since infant formula companies still advertise breast milk substitute publicly, including in hospitals (Shetty 2014). The massive …show more content…

Titaley et al. (2014) note Indonesian women are permitted for a paid maternity leave for 3 months. However, the policy is applied for women who work in formal sectors only. Women who work in informal sectors, such as fabric labours and farmers, cannot fully benefit from this privilege. Several scientists (Senarath, DIbley & Agho 2010; Idris et al. 2013) point out economic pressure forces women return to work faster and breastfeed shorter than six months. Urban women nowadays may pump breast milk using breast pump, place it in bottles and store it in refrigerator so they are able to provide breast milk for the babies while they are working (Februhartanty et al. 2012). However, rural women generally have to be in the agricultural field nearly all day long and cannot access those sophisticated technologies (Manaö

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