Multiple Intelligences Summary

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“Multiple Intelligences” written by Christel Geralyn Gomes discussed Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and the significance of a parent’s role in helping the child develop in the different areas, not merely focusing on the academic aspect. Geralyn also emphasised on the large influence that parents have over their child. However in Singapore’s context, the country only focuses on the logical and verbal aspects of learning, instead of all the other intelligences.

Next, Angel Drewgus talked about the differences between ‘giftedness’ and ‘talent’ and the different tests one can send his child for to confirm is his child is gifted. It also adds how parents can help the child use his gift/talent to the fullest. Parents are also …show more content…

An example of an ignorant perspective is viewing a child to be not smart or has lower chances of excelling in school due to his poor academic achievement. The ignorant perspective is not reliable as all 3 articles mentioned about how children can be gifted in other areas such as art, music or sports.

It is impossible to judge a child’s capability just by looking at the amount of answers they get right in an examination paper. Hence, to prevent this from happening, we can give children more opportunities to express themselves so that we, the educators, can help them identify if they possess other intelligences. An alteration in the lesson plan, such as including or integrating arts during class would benefit the children as it would stimulate the different parts of their brains.

After reading the articles, we learnt that as an educator, it is our duty to expose them to all of the different intelligences. This is because in Singapore’s context, many educators only address the verbal and logical aspects of learning while it is important to possess or at least, be able to be acquainted with the other types of intelligence. Thus, it is important to ensure that our children receive a holistic education in order for them to develop appropriately (Ministry of Education,

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