
Brother's Coming-Of-Age In The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

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“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst is a short story that is told by a brother reminiscing about his departed young brother Doodle. The story is focused around Brother’s sorrow and regret for Doodles death and thus forms Brother as a sort of villain. Brother’s lack of maturity and careless actions throughout the story are what paint him as having too much pride. Brother is able to look back and see a monster because he has come-of-age through coping for Doodle’s death. James Hurst answers the question what does it mean to come-of-age in the short story “The Scarlet Ibis” through Brother teaching Doodle to walk, the impact of Doodle’s death, and Brother’s reflection at the beginning and throughout the story. Brother teaching Doodle to walk …show more content…

Death is an often seen source of coming of age because it forces one to come to terms with the reality that a loved one is dead. If this death comes at a young age the child is forced to see that life cannot last forever. In the moments before Doodle’s death Doodle cries out to Brother “Brother, Brother, Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me!” (Hurst 6). Brother is unable to understand the consequences of leaving doodle at the time and is so fueled by his childish cruelty that he refuses to stay with Doodle. Doodle is so exposed at this moment, but childish Brother doesn’t understand. This act is what creates the moment in which Brother is able to come-of-age. When Brother finally goes back for fallen Doodle he finally does as Doodle asked and doesn’t leave him “For a long time, it seemed forever, I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from the heresy of rain.” (Hurst 6). This final grant of Doodle’s wish is another step into adulthood. He has yet to come-of-age because he hasn’t come to terms with Doodle’s death but obeying Doodle and staying with him is Brother’s first act of acceptance. Brother is able to put together the similarities of Doodle and the scarlet ibis and this evaluation is another key step in coming-of-age. Brother never got to say goodbye and apologize to Doodle for leaving him and Brother must accept this to be able to

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