In 1927, the United State Supreme Court had a case called Buck v Bell who set a legal example that states may sterilize prisoners of public institutions. The court argued that imbecility, epilepsy, and feeblemindedness are heredity, and that the prisoners should be prevented from passing these defects to the next generation. In my opinion if Buck v Bell were to argue in this year I believe that Bell would not win because in today’s society the legal sterilization of the prisoners has been allowed in many cases. (Antonios, Nathalie, and Christina Raup. “The Embryo Project Encyclopedia.” Buck v. Bell (1927). The ruling of Buck stated that feebleminded and a moral delinquent was issued but did not have valid proof of that problem. Carrie Buck …show more content…
(Schmalleger, F. 137) The first form is Radical feminism proclaims that the patriarchal societies of men control the law and that the women are defined as subjects and holds that any significant change in the social status of women can be accomplished only through substantial changes in social institutions such as the family, law, and medicine. (Schmalleger, F. 137) The second form is Liberal feminism they proclaim that gender inequalities arise from separate and different domains of influence and traditional attitudes about the appropriate role of men and women. Also holds that the concerns of women can be incorporated within existing social institutions through conventional means and without the need to drastically restructure society. (Schmalleger, F. 137) The third form is Socialist feminism these people sees gender domination as a significance of the economic structure of society also examines social roles and the gender based division of labor within the family seeing both as a significant source of women’s subordination within society. The fourth form is Marxist feminism which sees capitalism as perpetuating economic inequality, dependence, and political powerlessness, ultimately leading to unhealthy gender relations. Proponents of each advocate eliminating male domination and restructuring power relationships to reduce crime rates for women and because it ultimately leading to unhealthy social relations between men and women. (Schmalleger, F.