
Buddhist Meditation

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The search for meaning : first essay
Stefanie Deasy – 17357736
1. The opening line of the famous Buddhist teaching of Dhammapada has most often been translated in English as: “Experiences are preceded by mind, led by mind, and produced by mind.’ Discuss how this quote reveals some of the key features of the Buddhist conception of mind.
Buddhism is not a religion. They do not believe in a god creator. But rather they emphasize individuals own power and potential. That our own faith and experiences are produced by our mind and led by our mind. We could say no other classical philosophical tradition offers and more counterintuitive and complex account of mind and mental phenomena than Buddhists. Buddhists mind centre on the belief of not-self …show more content…

Within our peaceful mind we can present ourselves to the world and others with positive vibes and create positive energy all around. With a peaceful mind we will create a path for good experiences. Meditation is the key for transforming the mind. I think meditation places a big part in the opening lines of the Dhammapada. Buddhist meditation practices focuses on techniques that develop and encourage concentration, emotional positivity, clarity and a calm seeing and insight of the true nature of things. By engaging and practicing certain meditation practices you learn the habits and patterns of your mind, and the practice offers more positive ways of being and a means of cultivate new. With energised, positive and peaceful states of mind. These experiences can have transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life. (Buddhist.centre). which we can relate back to the Dhammapada ‘Experiences are preceded by mind, led by mind, and produced by mind.’ How our mind is like the control system for our life, positive mind positive outcomes and experiences. An experience is an event or an occurrence which leaves an impression on someone, we create our own experience through decision making which comes from our self-narrator in our mind. With Buddhist meditation the goal is to become friends with our own mind through understanding our minds patterns and habits and coming to an understanding of ourselves. With practice they believe we can find peace with ourselves and create positive experiences. In Buddhism the interpretate meditation “effortlessly remaining in what is”. They find this state by holding and calming the mind, by realising wisdom and compassion. Or by working with the body’s subtle energy system and focusing on Buddha forms of energy and light to ensure you

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