Business Case Study: Jetta Electronics

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(1)- There is that company called Jetta Electronics and it tries to take a decision about whether to continue manufacture the devise which called DD11 or to buy it from outside supplier. Before determine which decision should be taking there is some information should be considered to take the right decision.
Company needs 5,000 devices per year.
When the company manufactured the device the costs were like that
Direct materials $ 45,000
Direct labor 60,000
Factory overhead:
Variable 30,000
Fixed 55,000
Total manufacturing costs $190,000
Cost per unit ($190,000 ÷ 5,000 devices) $ 38

In case the company takes the decision to eliminate the devices there will be other information to take into account which is:
The …show more content…

Availability of specific raw materials, power, electricity or any other basic facilities are a must to be carefully thought about. Otherwise, in case of shortage of any of these, even the most (related to money) money-making project may go without success (or without purpose). Second, customer service is the support the company offers to customers both before and after they buy the company products. That helps them have an easy and enjoyable experience with the company. It 's more than just providing answers; it 's an important part of the promise its brand makes to its customers. Third, customer happiness (from meeting a need or reaching a goal) measures how well the expectations of a customer concerning a product or service given by the company have been met. Customer happiness involves such factors as the quality of the product, the quality of the service given, the atmosphere of the location where the product or service is (bought), and the price of the product or service. Businesses often use customer happiness surveys to measure customer happiness. These surveys are used to gather information about customer happiness. Forward, what is After Sales Service? After sales service refers to different processes which make sure customers are happy with the products and services of the organization. The needs and demands of the customers must be satisfied for them to spread a positive word of mouth. In the current situation, positive word of mouth plays an important role in (helping increase/showing in a good way) brands and products. After sales service makes sure products and services meet the expectations of the customers. It creates loyal customers. Customers start believing in the brand and get connected with the organization for a longer length of time. A happy customer brings more people and eventually more money income for the organization.

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