Callose Synthesis Lab Report

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Introduction The purpose of this lab is to see how organisms are related by proteins they evolved to have. This experiment is important because it shows the relationships of organisms and how they evolved. The question to answer is how closely related are organism to each other Background Hox genes (also known as homeotic genes) are a group of related genes that control the body plan of an embryo along the anterior-posterior (head-tail) axis. After the embryonic segments have formed, the Hox proteins determine the type of segment structures (e.g. legs, antennae, and wings in fruit flies or the different types of vertebrae in humans) that will form on a given segment. Hox proteins thus confer segmental identity, but do not form the actual segments …show more content…

Copy and paste these protein sequences into a single document in FASTA format. It is crucial that the sequences are in FASTA format. Step 4: Change all of the names for your 15 sequences to a simpler name that reflects only the genus and species or common name. Step 5: Go to and under “Phylogeny Analysis,” select “one-click” analysis to create your tree. Feel free to name your analysis. Paste in all 15 sequences into the window and click “submit.” Step 6: Generate a pdf of your phylogeny and paste it into the space at the end of this document. Step 7: Go to the T-coffee website: http://tcoffee.vital- Paste your FASTA file of sequences into the “sequences to align” window and submit to generate a nice-looking alignment of the sequences. Take a screenshot(s) of the alignment and paste this into the bottom of this document as

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