Can Money Buy Happiness Essay

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Happiness is the value or condition of feeling happy, joy or pleasure. Many arguments, researches and studies have been made about whether money can buy a person’s happiness or not. Researchers state that only people who are living in poverty, unhappy or overly wealthy agree to the statement that money cannot buy happiness. In fact, it is how one works with their money that leads to happiness. Money can eliminate the struggle of money problems, which most likely outcomes to unhappiness, additionally, money can buy happiness as long as one gives some of the money away.

Proponents argue causes of happiness that are attained because of money or wealth is most importantly because of where the money is being spent. Being wealthy or having a fortune is not always about spending ones money on themselves. In fact, some of the wealthiest people on earth are most likely to become miserable because of how they tend to spend their money. In “Can Money Buy Happiness?” Flynn (2013) writes that Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton have proved evidence that spending money on others and by helping them …show more content…

It is said that happiness is not for sale, and could be earned with or without being wealthy. To some people’s opinions it may be true that money does not buy happiness, however when it comes to mind, money does result to joy. People are brought to life, sent to school and earn jobs to receive money. Goals, motivations and also inspirations are all made for obtaining the amount of wealth one needs that results to satisfaction. In the article, “Social Care” (2010) the author writes that money is an important aspect that life seems to be revolved around. People need money to buy things in which are both desirables and necessities. One needs to work in order to earn money and money to travel to desired places. Money, as well, is necessary for one to receive prescription for health for future

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