Career Essay: Factors To Become A Lawyer

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There are many factors to consider when becoming a lawyer, such as education,costs of education, training, job duties, job benefits and drawbacks, salary, and work hours to name a few. A lawyer is a legal professional the acts as an attorney, solicitor or advocate using the practical application of law to solve problems or represent plaintiffs or defendants in or out of court.
There are many interesting facts about lawyers. The earliest known law is the Code of Hammurabi, developed about 1800 BC by the ruler of the Sumerians. Another early set of laws was the law of Moses, known as the Ten Commandments. Historian believe that the lawyers existed in the government of ancient Greece. Lawyers in ancient Greece served a similar purpose to those that existed in the courts during the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages courts were established by monarchies like King Henry VIII, to establish courts to determine whether or not people were …show more content…

Negotiation and conflict resolution, you can help to during the mediation process. You can work for developmental agencies ,you can plan on working with a non governmental agency or organization. You could choose a career in government and politics, banking and finance, become an entrepreneur, academia,teach at a law school. You could decide to go into journalism and writing or even become a public interest advocate .There are variety of specialty areas from what you can choose. Lawyers are needed in a wide range of industries. There's always the opportunity to help clients resolve problems, and, of course, the pursuit of justice.
There many pros and cons of becoming a lawyer. Some positive things are the earning potential, prestige, opportunity to help others, intellectual challenges, diverse practice areas, work environment, global influence, and employment flexibility. Some other advantages of being a lawyer is that it is one the highest paid jobs. In the

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