Who Is The Call Of Duty Carl Target Audience

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Primary Market: Call of Duty Carl is a hardcore gamer where gaming is his passion. He grew up playing video games and the nostalgia is the driving force behind video game purchases. Intense action games such as Call of Duty and Halo are Carl’s favorite. He wants great graphics and believes gaming on a console is the best way to achieve this desire. In addition, Call of Duty Carl wants the best product he can afford, not only for himself, but his family as well. He wants the greatest and will spend money on a state-of-the-art console system if his budget allows. This customer segment is our primary market and Nintendo’s main focus. Age: Gender: Marital Status: Education: Income: Children: Children Ages: Geographic Area: Homeowner: Social Status: …show more content…

He has been married under less than five years with children under the age of 10 and typically is an entry or mid-level manager whose income is $50,000 to $70,000 a year. Call of Duty Carl plays videogames as often as possible and is competitive in nature. His main hobbies include playing video games, playing sports, and watching television. Carl of Duty Carl is part of the generation referred to as Millennials. These are the children of Baby Boomers. They are 75 million strong and they have disposable income because of their parents' support. Growing up with computers means this generation is especially responsive to …show more content…

She has been married over five years with children over the age of 10 and typically is a mid-level manager who income is $50,000 to $70,000 a year. Angry Bird Anna plays videogames mainly for modest entertainment. Her main hobbies include dining out, family activities, and watching television. According to experts, Angry Bird Ann is from Generation X (Know Your Target Market, 2009) and this group is perhaps the most overlooked generation, falling in the shadow of the powerful Baby-boom generation. Generation Xers are now entering the pinnacle of their earning power. They are still frugal with their money, but will spend on desirable goods if it benefits their family and is reasonably priced. The socio-economic scale of Anna is graded as a B, according to the Chief Income Earner Scale. Based on the definition from Young & Rubicam’s Cross Cultural Consumer Characterization model, Anna is defined as a succeeder and mainstreamer- a person with strong goal orientation, confidence, work ethic, and is particularly organized. Brand choice is normally based on reward, but Generation Xers are also attracted to caring and protective brands. (Cross Cultural Consumer Characterization, 2015). This characterization is invariably the second largest of the 4C groups. Anna’s social life is typical of this consumer segment. Her social life revolves around social media and

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