Lush Cosmetics Case Study

1100 Words5 Pages

Implementation, Control

Concluding with the final stage of the marketing process, Lush cosmetics will continually carry out monitoring and altering their methods of marketing by further developing close relationship with their consumers through education and innovative products (Fiorletta, 2015). For the year 2016, Lush cosmetics targeted to create an amount of 48 million products overall. According to Cosmetics Business (2015) in an interview with Lush Cosmetics founder Mark Constatine, stated the company focuses on a constant upgrade of the factories and employee training programs.
LO 1.2

There are five Business orientation models that aid the organization’s marketing activities. They are as follows;

Production Concept;

Being the oldest …show more content…

Consumers tend to be more reluctant when purchasing goods so products end up being sold and not bought; this also affects customer satisfaction levels (Kotler, 2000). These methods will eventually lead to a dependency on sales to achieve the organization’s objectives regarding profit and growth. Overall the customer’s needs are not satisfied and therefore could in turn affect the business negatively by word of mouth and product dissatisfaction (Bhasin ,2016). The only positive outcome of the selling concept is a quick turnover of profit, which is in itself yet a short term …show more content…

The Societal Marketing concept is regarded as the advanced Marketing concept since it being more theoretical however so will leave an impact on marketing and selling methods that are yet to come (Kotler, 2000).Profits for the business are to be achieved through consumer loyalty and society’s recognition. Marketing is practiced ethically and the organizations also aspire to manufacture their products and services through conservational and environmentally friendly means.

Moreover this concept has a few drawbacks to it, one of which are it is difficult to carry out towards targeted markets since it is considered mainly suitable for mass marketing products (Yadav, 2015). Another disadvantage could be the lack of reinforcement from the government for the organizations social standards and efforts for the economy. Furthermore not all organizations would undertake their corporate social responsibility or even so it could be misused for the benefit of profit and market

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