Cause Of Depression Research Paper

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A very common habit among youngsters is to use the line, "I am depressed!", when they are simply sad or upset. People don't realise the enormity of the word depression and tend to use it as a substitute to sadness.

Most often we think that depression is just a case of extreme sadness. When we are faced with a tragedy, we feel depressed. But after a while it goes away. That's what the general belief is. But depression is far more than a mere bout of sadness. It is something with the potential to cause extreme harm and ruin lives, if not treated appropriately.

Keeping the magnitude in mind, let me throw some light on what exactly depression entails.

What is depression and why is it caused?

• Depression is a state of being where a person tends to feel …show more content…

are also known to cause depression. Such cases are known as medically induced depression.

• Another major cause for depression is substance abuse, narcotics, etc.

Types of depression

1. Major Depression

This is the most commonly known type of depression. It is also referred to as Major Depressive Disorder. It can be caused due to any major event or even a series of smaller events or problems. A person is diagnosed with major depression if he/she displays symptoms of depression (given below types) for over two weeks.

2. Persistent Depressive Disorder

If a person has undergone depression for over a period of 2 years, it is called persistent depressive disorder. Although the cause of depression may be same as major depression, for some reason the person may be incapable of overcoming it. Previously PDD was known as dysthymia.

3. Manic Depression

Manic depression is more commonly known as Bipolar Disorder. In the case of bipolar disorder, a person experiences extreme mood swings, ranging from unbelievable highs to depressive lows. The person cannot control his behaviour and may take drastic

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