Effects Of Industrialization

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In earlier times, smoke from factories and smokestacks were signs of prosperity. Meanwhile, it became a nuisance and finally a health concern \cite{Warnatz}. The astonishing technological advances due to the industrial revolution came at a cost for the human beings and the environment. With the industrial revolution, the talent of the workmanship was devalued by the industrialized product and later on was replaced by single workers. Industrialization has led to a huge amount of coal demand, which introduced a new source of air and water pollution in the middle of the 19th century. The resulting smog and soot from the coal combustion had serious health impacts on the residents of growing urban centers. The acid rain, first discovered in the …show more content…

Due to the high calorific power of the petroleum derivatives and the easy way to be stored and consumed, this versatile fuel became the main energy source to propel locomotives, ships, vehicles, airplanes and to generate electricity. And since then, the increase of oil consumption is proportional to the economy growth. In 1952, a temperature inversion associated with large pollutant concentration, a combination of home fireplaces and pollutants from the factories, achieved a high level of toxicity, killing 4000 people in 5 days and altogether 12000 persons during an event known as great smog of London. The term pollution became usual and the world became aware of pollution and its effects. The burning of fossil fuels was acknowledged to be dangerous for the human beings as well as for the ecosystem. The leading causes of air pollution are the power plants, ships, airplanes and vehicles. The demand for more energy and better life quality compel the human beings to consume more and more fossil fuels since the alternative energy sources are still objects of research and a promise for the

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