Cause Of Stress Among Students Essay

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Stress is not something to be taken lightly, and it is an important topic especially for students. More and more people are getting stressed as schools provide more workload especially since the curriculum is getting more advanced. A survey reports 10-30% higher stress levels in the 2000s than in 1983, increasing 18% for women and 24% for men.

Furthermore, a recent study shows that people experience stress at levels higher than what they think is healthy, causing stress to compromise a person’s health. There are various reasons students often tend to get stressed, and these affect their overall health

There are several causes of stress that are common among students. To begin with, stress can be caused by poor sleeping habits. The National Sleep Foundation recommends keeping a …show more content…

Negative stress, meaning uncontrolled or too much stress, can cause headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, depression, anxiety, and may worsen specific sicknesses or ailments.

Furthermore, according to J. Goldberg, MD, a contributor for WebMD, 75-90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related complaints. The widespread of an emotional disorder is more than 50% because of chronic, untreated stress reactions.

Indeed, the different causes of stress can lead to negative impacts on one’s health. Nonetheless, a change in lifestyle can still help avoid all of these disadvantageous effects on a person’s health.

­Stress is present among the majority of students. Because of the heavy workload that school often provides, it is difficult to avoid stress. However, there are some changes one can make in their lifestyle to refrain from or lessen the stress they experience. Some specific ways are to learn how to properly manage one’s time, get support from one’s close friends or loved ones, or alter one’s mindset or way of

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