Cause Of Youth Suicide

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Causes and Prevention of Youth Suicides
“When people kill themselves, they think they’re ending the pain, but all they’re doing is passing it on to those they leave behind” is a quote by an American writer and journalist named Jeannette Walls that practically defines what suicide is (Walls 113). With no arguments needed, a majority of human beings living on this Earth already went through or will soon go through hard and difficult times at least once during their lives. However, there are many versatile methods of staying strong both physically and mentally when life seems meaningless. Differentiating the types of people in such situations would be depending on how they undergo their conflicts. Unfortunately there are some extreme ways of doing so, such as escaping from their fears by putting an end to their own lives without realizing that the depression will get passed on constantly. Numerous reports of suicides committed by famous figures makes the beginning of the twenty-first century unforgettable to the people of South Korea. Starting with actors, singers and even the ninth president of South Korea committed such horrific acts bringing a big shock to the whole nation and brought in the Werther effect in today’s mass media. When considering the stage of life teenagers are at, it can be said that they are not fully matured both physically and mentally. This is why youths are particularly more vulnerable to suicide due to the lack of experience of

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