Symptoms And Prevention Of Toxic Mushrooms

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Mushrooms are the food bodies of evolved fungi. When a person is intoxicated by the intake of harmful mushrooms, they can suffer from numerous impacts. This digestion of toxic mushrooms is referred as the mushroom poisoning. These toxin mushrooms possess similar looks as those of other edible mushrooms. Therefore, they are confused with the usual mushrooms. Mushrooms are widely grown in many parts of this world; however, among the thousands of mushrooms species, only a hundred can cause harmful impacts on human health. Moreover, about twenty species can cause severe impacts on human life.
However, it is unfortunate that there is no proper mechanism to distinguish between the edible and the poisonous mushrooms. In majority of the toxin ingested cases are the outcomes of poor identification. Therefore one must identify the mushrooms before using them.
The type of toxin consumed depends upon many factors. Some of the deciding factors are as follows:
i. The specie of mushroom used. ii. The amount used. iii. The season in which the mushroom is used. iv. The habitat of the mushrooms you have consumed.
v. The response of affected person.
Moreover, the response of an individual can also be categorized into the following categories:
1. Early stage:
The symptoms of this stage become evident within five hours. Moreover, they cause numerous problems. Some of the issues caused in this stage are as follows:
- Neurologic syndromes.
- Gatrointerstinal problems.
- Allergies.
2. Late stage:

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