A Summary Of Human Migration

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THE CRISIS OF HUMAN MIGRATION IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD What is Human Migration? Migration (human) is the movement of people from one place in the world to another for the purpose of taking up permanent ornsemipermanent residence, usually across a political boundary. An example of "semipermanent residence" would be the seasonal movements of migrant farm laborers. People can either choose to move ("voluntary migration") or be forced to move ("involuntary migration"). Migrations have occurred throughout human history, beginning with the movements of the first human groups from their origins in East Africa to their current location in the world. Types of Migration Internal Migration: Moving to a new home within a state, country, or continent. …show more content…

Migration Crisis Today The migration crisis today is one of the worst humanitarian disasters since the 1940s. Millions of desperate people are on the march: Sunni refugees driven out by the barbarity of the Assad regime in Syria. Parents are entrusting their lives and the lives of their young children to rickety boats and unscrupulous criminal syndicates along the Mediterranean coast, professionals and business people are giving up their livelihoods and investments, farmers are abandoning their land, and from North Africa to Syria, the sick and the old are on the road, carrying a few treasured belongings on a new trail of tears. It is the first migration crisis of the 21st century, but it is unlikely to be the last. The rise of identity politics across the Middle East and much of sub-Saharan Africa is setting off waves of violence like those that tore apart the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. The hatreds and rivalries driving endangered communities to exile and destruction have a long history. They probably have a long future as …show more content…

Political (e.g., war) 3. Economic (e.g., work) 4. Cultural (e.g., religious freedom, education) In the Middle East, the crisis is quieter but no less profound. Middle East today often doesn’t seem to know where it is going. All of these refugees is start from a war, a war that have been declared by those western country. What are those western country wants in the Middle East country is only one, it is Oil. These are the main issue regarding refugees. Under normal circumstances, the rights-based, legalistic approach can work reasonably well. When refugee flows are slack, the political fallout from accommodating them is manageable. But when the flow of desperate people passes a certain threshold, receiving countries no longer have the will (and, in some cases, the ability) to follow through. Ten thousand refugees is one thing; 10 million is another. Somewhere between those extremes is a breaking point at which the political system will no longer carry out the legal

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