Causes Of Social Inequality In South Africa

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Explain the causes of current social injustice and inequalities in rural Southern Africa and draw from case studies used in lectures
There has been a number of questions posed to the issue of land in Southern African countries as a result this has played a crucial role in the history of these countries (Zimbabwe and South Africa) since the successful resolution is critically significant not only for stability but also for development and democracy (Kranz, 2001). The historical settings provide a critical framework for understanding the current inequalities and injustices that are observed in the modern society. The rural divide which took place during the colonial government shaped the way society interacted with the natural resources. Imperialism divided rural areas into white-controlled large-scale commercial farms; as well as state protected areas for conservation and other use (Kranz, 2001). Therefore, in the current democratic South Africa the desire to have the land restored to its rightful owners has been the main objective for many Africans as land which was used by the indigenous rural households to survive was demoralized during the colonial and later the apartheid government. This is a critical analysis essay which will discuss the causes of the current social injustice and inequalities in rural Southern Africa specifically, in the context of South Africa using the theories of conservation and dispossession. Following this discussion this paper will draw on the

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