How To Manage Stress In University

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Going to university seems interesting because you will have the chance to make new friends, wearing outfits as you wish, put on make-up and no more strict school rules. But there is one thing you have to know that is university requires more efforts than when you were in high school. After you get into the university, you will realize that you will be more independent as there are a lot of tasks waiting to be done and it is more difficult as compared to the ones during high school. Lecturers are expected to be more demanding when it comes to marking assignments and exams. The standard of tertiary education is higher than in secondary education. What is stress? Stress is something that will be faced by almost every university student. Stress occurs when the demands on us exceed our ability to cope. Students usually will face some problems when they first get into the university such as how to study effectively, how to get good grades, how to be more confident during presentations, how to get along with course mates and so on. After some time, students might face problems like financial problems, relationship problems, assignment deadlines, examinations and time management. These are the sources of stress for university students. But actually, not all stress is bad, sometimes stress can encourage people to …show more content…

What are the ways for me to manage stress in university? At university, I have to learn to organize my work properly and manage my time well for studies and relax. There are many tutorials that have to be done every day for every subject. The university has trained me to finish my work as early as possible based on the importance of work so that I can go out with family and friends without any worries of my undone university works. Besides, I also learned to plan my work, whether it is urgent or non-urgent so that I can finish the urgent works first before the due date and will not stressed myself

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