Client left the apartment because grandfather passed away and ACS was called and they found the apartment no suitable for the family. Family is currently residing at 1195 Sherman Ave. Bronx, NY Unit 2A, admission date was 07/10/2014. Family composition consists of Akia Thomas (self, 30y); Anya Bolden (12y daughter); Cameron
Attempt CC =1 CM spoke to Johnda Neazer (DCP&P Supervisor) regarding the family’s current living situation. DCP&P supervisor provided CM with a detailed background on the family and noted that DCP&P will assist the family with housing such as the first month rent and security deposit once caregiver finds housing. DCP&P supervisor explained to CM that the division is unable to place the family into a hotel due to Welfare offering the family to stay at a shelter in Newark and caregiver denied offer. CM was informed that DCP&P only place families in a hotel if they are homeless and does not have assistance such as shelter opportunities. DCP&P supervisor stated DCP&P assisted caregiver with a budget form.
CCIB Intake received the SOC 341 for resident Clothide McCord. Reporting party Tonya Hill Conservator- Deputy Public Guardian 222 W. Brookside Ave., Redlands CA 92373 (909) 798-8500. The reporting party and Public Health Nurse, Sandra Garcia visited Clothide at the facility on 12/13/16. The resident was found barely responsive and dehydrated.
Staff intervened and shut chis ' door informing him to lock his door. CCIB Intake received a SOC 341 from reporting party Al Vanderhoeven who stated on 3/5/17 resident Paige Katler was arguing with resident
CCIB received an Incident Report from the LTCO Maged Mansour (213) 351-6433 regarding resident Maria Alcantara. The SOC 341 states that Maria disclosed to facility staff and her Day Program staff that residential facility staff member Gloria G hit her in her back. Once notified by of incident the facility staff notified the administrator Kendal Woods (323) 208-0133. According to the RP the incident is under investigation. The suspected abuser would be suspended pending
CCIB LPA Perryman-French received a call from Mildren. her husband Julian lives in this facility. He is non-ambulatory and requires assistance to utilize the bathroom. Mildred stated that when staff call in, the director does not replace them or cover behind them, the result is that her husband cannot get the assistance he needs to use the bathroom. This has increased his accidents.
Received a report on 10/7/15 stating Ms. McGinnis was not given medication properly and scoring a 0 on MMSE. Son, Michael McGinnis reported he gave her dose of Methadone because she was hurting. Ms. McGinnis admitted to WBMC on 10/6 with chest pain and hypertension. While on medical unit, she was confused, pulling the cardiac monitor off, yelling, screaming, cursing the nurses, disrobing, and refused meds. On 10/7 she transferred to Senior Care she remained until 10/28 3:30.
On 11/4/15 Ms. Brittany Terry and her daughter Lundyn met with CM for an ILP. CM introduce herself as the client temporary CM assigned to her case. Housing: Client 's exit strategy is to move by 2/18/16. Client must maintain employment and submit pay stubs weekly .Client is expected to comply with savings and have saved enough for one month 's rent and security by 12/18/16, Client is to seek for housing and obtain housing by 1/18/16.Client was reminded she must meet with her Housing Specialist Mr. Brown on a bi-weekly basis, comply with all housing requirements and explore all available housing options. Social Service: Client must meet bi-weekly with Case Manager for ILP Review appointments.
CCIB Intake received referral #0651-1009-4066-0071107 dated 10/30/16. The reporting party (RP) was Oneil Malcolm, Facility Manager. The RP stated on 10/30/16 while supervising minors Devante Pinson and Jacob Sigala, Devanet was observed taking Jacob 's phone charger and walk towards his room. Jacob was observed stepping in front of Devanet asking repeatedly for him to return his charger. As Devante walked away he moved Jacob out of his way using his left hand.
CCIB Intake received referral #0923-2901-5102-8047131 from reporting party (RP) Katie Hacker Sierra Child and Family Services staff member. According to the RP child Shawn Williams age 10, informed a group home staff member (name not provided) on the morning of 9/26/16 that during the night his roommate Arthur Hammett age12 had touched him in his "inappropriate parts." Shawn failed to provide any specifics regarding the incident and the RP didn 't question him due to his frequent fabrications as of late. To the RP knowledge, Arthur has not displayed this type behavior before, however Shawn has a history of sexualized behaviors which has been previously reported to CPS.
On 03/07/2016 Ms. Rodriguez cam e in to the SSO to meet with HS De La Torre in order to develop a Housing Plan. HS and Ms. Rodriguez discuss about the following during the meeting. Client arrived on time well dressed and groomed. Ms. Rodriguez informed HS that family was evicted from the following address 41 Whipple St. Brooklyn, NY. Family resided at this location from 2007 until 2014.
CCIB Intake received a call from Lisa M. Juarez, MSW, CSAI, Department of Children and Family Services (626) 569-6929, (213) 760-2590 cell who had questions regarding referral numbers 0698-6622-2040-4072794 and 1410-9736-5976-4064898 dated 3/23/16. The referrals were not received or processed, however you completed a Case Management Visit on 4/1/16 regarding information contained on the referrals. How would you like me to handle the referrals. I can attach a LIC812 on your LIC809 if you prefer. I don’t believe I need to process a complaint due to your case management visit.
CCIB received SOC 341 involving resident Camille Griffith (DOB: 03/09/84). Resident left a message with North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) supervisor stating that her roommate, Patricia raped her. The resident later stated that it was consentual and then changed her statement to not consentual. Last week, the resident stated that she engaged in consentual sex. The story as reported by resident is that she slept with her roommate 's boyfriend.
Prior to the interview, I was informed by Supt. Walsh that detainee Hargrow had just received another disciplinary infraction. I interviewed detainee Hargrow on wing 1A privately. I questioned Hargrow if he was on any medication and he said “Haldol and Klonopin, but did not know his diagnosis’s.
CCIB Intake received incident report from reporting party Julia Bobadilla, Social Worker (562) 437-4114. The reporting party (RP) reported being contacted by school office of Williams Elementary 7530 Arnett St., Downey, CA 90241 (562) 904-3564. The school office reported observed what appeared to be a burn to foster child Amber Gonzales ' DOB; 11/14/08 right hand. DCF Arlene Barragan investigated. On 3/17/17 foster mother Alma Yepes took the foster child to the hospital located at 11500 Brookshire Ave., Downey, CA 90241 (562) 904-5000 for an examination, the wound was cleaned and wrapped.