Ceftazidime Case Study

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system includes a three-electrode system contains of a MWCNT-β-CD-OPDPA/GCE as working electrode, Ag/AgCl/KCl (saturated) as the reference electrode and a platinum wire as an auxiliary electrode. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was conducted with MIRA3TESCAN-XMU model. Ceftazidime was generously prepared by Jaber Ebne Hayyan Pharmaceutical Co. (Iran). Diphenylamine was obtained from Merck. The β-cyclodextrin and the MWCNTs were bought from Sigma–Aldrich and (io-li-tec) company, respectively. 2.2 Fabrication of MWCNTs- β-CD- OPDPA composite modified electrode In the first, MWCNTs were refined and functionalized same as previous our work [29]. In breifly, MWCNTs were heated at 350 °C for 2 h and after cooling, it was ultrasonicated for 4 h in concentrated HCl. After that, it was filtered and rinsed with distilled …show more content…

5. At the bare GCE, there is nearly nothing in the voltammogram but a very small oxidation peak was observed at 0.52 V for oxidation of ceftazidime at GCE modified with PDPA. The current increased at MWCNT/GCE and MWCNT-β-CD/GCE. However, the further increasing MWCNT-β-CD/PDPA/GCE was seen due to synergistic effects of MWCNT and PDPA and also peak potential shifted to more negative potential (0.51 V) but the most current was seen at MWCNTs-β-CD-OPDPA/GCE. These variations showed that the MWCNTs-β-CD-OPDPA/GCE not only combines high conductivity and electrocatalytic effect of MWNTs and also PDPA with the ability of β-CD to form inclusion complexes with ceftazidime but also the ability of the oxidized polymer for increasing of current. These facts and also diminished background current or oxidized polymer cause to the best analytical features and the low detection limit for this

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