Mobile Phone Safety Research Paper

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According to Steve Largent, "People are very protective of their cell phones, how it's used, where it's used and how much it costs. It has become a very personal issue for a whole lot of people in this country." In today's generation, technology has been rapidly advancing. For the past years, it is just a simple device use to communicate someone anywhere. But nowadays, mobile phones have become more than just for communication. According to Steve Buyer, "As a matter of fact, when compression technology came along, we thought the future in 1996 was about voice. We got it wrong. It is about voice, video, and data, and that is what we have today on these cell phones." Through the years, mobile phones’ utilization has been regarded with great favor …show more content…

There has always been the issue regarding the possible dangers due to the prolonged or excessive use of mobile phones. May it cause us harm or not, it is still safe to take precautions to avoid health risks. According to researchers, there are ten safety tips on cell phone use that can prevent or avoid the possible dangers brought by the excessive use of mobile phones. According to Willie T. Ong’s Message sent: 10 safety tips on cell phone use, children who are 12 years younger, if possible, aren’t allowed to use mobile phones. When using mobile phones, it is best to distance the device from your body and position the key pad towards your body. It is not good also to use bring mobile phones too often. Text messaging is better than calling and keep your distances a little bit farther than the person using a mobile phone. When riding a vehicle, avoid using mobile phones and when talking over the phone change sides if …show more content…

It has become a means of communication between teachers and parents and students especially about their concerns on the students. In the article cell phones in school-yes?, it points out that cell phones are still beneficial in a way that it keeps students connected to groups of people specially peers and teachers through text messaging (Cell phones in school-yes?). Lastly, it is an instrument use to modify information in the class web. Mobile phones are now portable computers or devices that are of great use in class discussions or presentations. Students use their phones in recording lab results and oral quizzes and quick researches. Instructors are able to communicate with students, keep in touch with parents and give new information on the website (Cell phones in the classroom: a practical guide for educators). Instructors will find it quick and easy to update and give information in the class blog regarding on what is being discussed and to be discussed to give a hand to the students

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