Challenge Challenges In Life

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CHAPTER 7 – CHALLENGE CHALLENGES “You can’t spell CHAlleNGE without CHANGE. If you’re going to rise to the challenge, you have to be prepared to change.” — Anonymous Upon undergoing the ideal comparison process of comparing yourself to your own self, do not mistake it purely as taking part in a competition with yourself. Actually, you are, at the same time, undertaking a challenge, which could somehow be a difficult, demanding, or stimulating situation. Think about a particular challenge you have confronted lately. Most likely, just as most of the challenges in life are, the recent challenge you have encountered has been set up by a change or, simply because of a change. These changes usually arise through either your own initiation like, …show more content…

It must only be you establishing such a foundation within— a self-appointed and self-recognized experience, which is never vulnerable to the opinions of your outer world. Swear trusting only to yourself. It is your life to live after all, not theirs. OVERCOME OVERWHELMING OPINIONS ON OBSTACLES Alter your perspectives about obstacles occurring in your life. The way you perceive obstacles is vital to the way you go through life. If you only know, you can perceive obstacles as opportunities. This also runs true when you fail surmounting obstacles. You can perceive failure as an opportunity to start afresh! Sometimes, the obstacles you see afore are the very causes that hone your skills, bring out the best in you, and nurture healthily your competitive spirit. More so, obstacles may lead you bumping into certain serendipities, which are more beneficial in the end. Therefore, always perceive obstacles positively as a means of possibly enjoying the challenges and living life more interestingly. Additionally, whenever negative thoughts about yourself come across your mind, challenge them with positive ones. Take the case of one of the greatest persons who set foot on Earth—Abraham

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