Personal Narrative: The Day I Moved My Best Friend

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About a year ago, I lost many close friends. They were changing from the people I once knew, into strangers. They all started to act in ways that I couldn't. I remember when they had finally done it, and drove me away. So I decided to change my friend group and they didn't like that. Soon the people I would say anything to, became the people I wouldn't say a word to. Ever since then I have been careful with the people I meet and the friends I have. I guess that plays a role in this situation. A few months ago I meet someone new, someone I’d never thought I'd know. But like I said, it was great at first. Her name is Shannon, she has reddish hair with the greenest eyes. She has freckles all over and dimples that can deceive anyone. We would hang out practically everyday, talk about our problems, and help each other with them. She soon became my best friend, a person I would do anything for, and I loved it. But I was so glad with this new person in my life that I forgot about the rest. I forgot about the friends that helped me through my roughest times, the friends that could change my mood instantly. Luckily they didn't forget about me, and when I needed them again they were there. My new “friend” eventually started to show her true colors. She started to act …show more content…

They help me out and give me very useful advice. Long story short, I became close with the people I should have stuck with. I still talk to her, but things have been different and we aren't as close. We say hi to each other in the hallways, or at lunch. But we never hang out or have an actual conversation. Through all of this, I got a reality check. I got to remember that the people I should be hanging out with, are the people that have always helped me through any mess i'm in. I'm just really lucky to have friends that would stick with me through all of my troubles, but that's what friends are

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