To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Determined Quotes

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In “To Kill A Mockingbird” the charter I found most interesting is Atticus. Atticus has several qualities displays that he is an interesting character. Atticus is determined. An example of Atticus being determined is in the Tom Robinson trial. Atticus is also intelligent. We see this when he made Bob Ewell write his name. Lastly, Atticus is understanding. We witnessed this when Jem wouldn't come down from the tree house or when he found out he lost the trial. Atticus is determined. In the book we see this when he battles for Tom Robertson even though he knows he will most likely loose. Furthermore when Atticus is determined because he made Scout go to school even though she was upset about having to wear a dress. Another reason he is determined is he didn't want anyone to get to Tom when he came back to town. This is a few reasons why Atticus is a determined person. Atticus is intelligent. In the book we see this when he made Bob Ewell write his name to show that he is left handed. This shows that Atticus is intelligent because he made the …show more content…

In the book we see this when he battles for Tom Robertson even though he knows he will most likely loose. Furthermore when Atticus is determined because he made Scout go to school even though she was upset about having to wear a dress. Another reason he is determined is he didn't want anyone to get to Tom when he came back to town. This is a few reasons why Atticus is a determined person. Atticus is intelligent. In the book we see this when he made Bob Ewell write his name to show that he is left handed. This shows that Atticus is intelligent because he made the sherriff double think about what eye was blackened and how he showed that Tom’s left arm we crimped. To do this he tried to make him catch a glass with his left arm. To make sherrif Tate double think himself he keeped asking are you sure or, my left or your left.This is a few reasons and explanations about why Atticus is a intelligent