Characteristics Of Classroom Management

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Classroom Management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. According to the article, it is important that classroom management is implemented because it enhances prosocial behaviour and increases student academic engagement. Classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behaviour. According to Bru (2006), Students’ behaviours are influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds. A classroom with a proper management plan will spend less time in disciplining and more time in learning.

There were several disruptive classroom behaviours identified in the article but I will only be focusing on two of these problems. Disruptive behaviours can be defined as any behaviour that hampers the ability of instructors to teach or students to learn. These problems are vandalism in the classroom and unauthorized talking in the classroom. Disruptive behaviour in the classroom can negatively affect the classroom environment as well as the educational experience for students enrolled in the course. Disruptive behaviour tends to negatively affect the classroom environment as well as the educational experience for students enrolled in the course.

Vandalism is referred to the destruction of or damage to public or someone’s property deliberately. Vandalism in

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