No Game No Life Essay

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“This world is just a crappy game” This is what Yuu Kamiya said in his book No Game No Life, And most gamers would agree to this Point Of View.
Online gaming is a serious problem in the whole country, here in the Philippines, Angelica Z (2014) of Manila Tytana College, Explains That this modern technology has a great impact on the lives of people especially that it entertains us one example of things that the internet has is online videogames, Online videogames allows people to play the same game in a session; it is one of the reasons why it is so appealing to its users.

In similar report of Alfredo Baula Jr. (2017) of University …show more content…

According to John Keilman.(2017) playing video games excessively is like a person who use drugs and any pleasure activity create changes in the brain differently and playing video games increase methamphetamine increase by 1,400 percent.

And according to Mark D. Griffiths (2014) that online gaming may lead to many varied negative psychosocial problems in additional report Griffiths et al. also reported many health and medical consequences that may result from excessive gaming (both online and offline). These included epileptic seizures, auditory hallucinations, obesity, wrist pain, neck pain, blisters, calluses, sore tendons, and numbness of fingers, sleep abnormalities, and repetitive strain injuries. That this is not only limited to this there is much more many negative possibilities of excessive online

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