At the beginning of Anthem Equality has changed his mind about a lot of things in the beginning of the story. Equality got picked to be a street sweeper by the government, but he really wanted to be a scholar but couldn’t because of the government. Equality had a rough life. Well he was a street sweeper but he was smart enough to be a scholar the government did not think he was. In the book anthem by ayn rand Equality was not good for any body or anything at the beginning he had a rough start to his life.
This essay will be discussing whether or not the character Equality 7-2521’s assessment of his sins towards throughout of the book he’s from, Anthem. His assessment (that he doesn’t care about his sin, as it was decided a sin by a government he sees as immoral and corrupt) is in my opinion, correct. This thought stems mainly from the fact he documented his thoughts throughout the book, and the documents could potentially inspire other people to do the same thing he did, which Equality would probably like. At the beginning of Anthem, Equality feels ashamed with many actions of his, specifically calling many of them evil, sinful, or a “transgression”.
“We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever” (Rand 19). How can an individual be a hero in a collectivist society? In The Anthem, a novella by Ayn Rand, the protagonist, Equality 7-2521 is portrayed as an archetypal epic hero. Equality 7-2521 exhibits the characteristics of an epic hero because he is capable of great deeds, he has a nemesis, and he experiences an event that leads to a quest.
Equality is willing to oppose his leaders to enunciate everything that he believes in; being oneself and staying true to all one’s rights and morals. He is unequivocally denouncing his leaders by going against everything that his society believes in, like creating inventions as a whole and not by oneself. Rand’s statement, “But in no case and in no situation may one permit one’s own values to be attacked or denounced, and keep silent,” substantiates Equality’s actions in trying to defend all of his rights (Rand, “How” 84). Both Rand and Equality are elucidating that people have to fortify everything that they believe in or it can all be appropriated. Equality and Ayn adage that if people don’t protect their rights then someone will come along that will confiscate people of all virtues and standards.
Explain the following quote: “To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.” How does this quote exemplify a theme of anthem? In the novella Anthem by Ayn Rand, Equality is learning that men had freedom and individual names. Equality 7-2521 had his brothers and the council holding him back from his freedom and self-ego, equality 7-2521 is learning the people from the unmentionable times had names and not numbers, in the novella Anthem
In Rand’s Anthem, the main character, Equality has a different idea of what is needed for the society while everyone else disagrees. This means that Equality see a different version of the truth of what people need than the rest of his society, “Let us throw away our candles and our torches. Let us flood our cities with light. Let us bring a new light to men!” (Rand 19) Equality, the main character brings to the council of his society something he believe will help everyone.
Moral codes are very important in a society. In order to have a great society, the morals must be clear and have a sturdy foundation. By the end of the Anthem, Equality 7-2521 has become very critical of leaders in his society, denouncing them in moral terms. Equality 7-2521 is correct in judging the leaders in his society. Equality 7-2125 would agree with Ayn Rand’s article, "How does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society?”
Ayn Rand’s Anthem starts by Equality 7-2521 saying “It is a sin to write this.” Throughout the story, Equality’s views and mindset changes, he realizes that he is different from his brothers and its ok to be different. He discovers that if something is legal it is not certainly right. His eager for knowledge taught him the word “I” abandoning the word “We”.
In the dystopian society that Equality 7-2521 lives in he could be punished for thinking for himself. He wanted to leave the society to find his happiness. His two friends wanted the best for him, and objectivism not being selfish. In the society Equality 7-2521 faced the troubles of not being able to to think for himself and have independence. While he is trying to find his own happiness he meets two people who are just like him.
In Anthem, by Ayn Rand, what was the Council of Vocations thinking when they made Equality 7-2521 a Street Sweeper? The Council of Vocations chose Equality 7-2521 to be a Street Sweeper, there are some reasons that could explain why. They do not want him to be in a place of power because they know he is smart, he broke a lot of laws while in school, and to teach him a lesson to make him just like his brothers. Did the Council of Vocations make Equality 7-2521 a Street Sweeper to keep him away from power? Equality 7-2521 was very smart, so much so that he was punished for not being equal to his brothers.
What makes one person different from another? Is it height, weight, and color of skin, or is it personality, family, and attitude? These differences can define a person and separate them from those around them. These differences make a person an individual; however, in Ayn Rand’s novella Anthem, Equality 7-521 is anything but an individual. He spends his days sweeping the streets and his nights sleeping in a white room with ninety-nine of his brothers.
With Ayn Rand’s story starting off with the world building through the main characters' eyes. This said main character's name is Equality 7-2521, he introduces us to how he lives in this dystopian world. As Equality 7-2521 describes how he lives, we see many errors about what is wrong in this dystopian world. We also see how much he breaks the rules just so he can actually experience true happiness. As Equality 7-2521 breaks rules he understands that he is and so do others like Liberty 5-3000 when she states “Such thoughts as these are forbidden, Golden one” (Rand 56).
Equality 7-2521 can free himself from collectivism because he was independent. In the novel Anthem Ayn Rand makes us comprehend that Equality had and inner struggle and
There's so much emphasis on putting others before oneself that people often forget to look out for their own needs, as shown in this book. Ayn Rand successfully captures the negatives of an overrated ideology and presents an unorthodox perspective on the matter. In conclusion, Equality's true motives behind his work are much more selfish than they first appear to be. Equality strives to fulfil his own personal desire rather than contribute everything to society, and this isn't necessarily a negative thing.
Rand uses the the relationship between Equality and the Golden One to represent Equality’s journey from being obsessed with the Golden One when he feels he has to be apart of the group, to being ignorant to the Golden One because he has become utterly independent and selfish. At the beginning of the story when Equality felt he had to belong to a group, he noticed the Golden One and fell in love with her. In Rand’s novel, she states, “They raised their hand to their