History Of Child Labour Essay

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The history of child labour can be traced back to hundreds of century ago, where children were usually employed as an apprentice to a master or as a servant if the child is unlucky. However, the trend of hiring children becomes more rampant, particularly during the Industrial Revolution where workers are on high demand by the newly emerging factories. Children were employed in order to cut the cost of wage and also due to their physical stature which able them to crawl into small tunnel in a coal mine or factory where adults cannot fit in. Besides that, it is easier to control the children and command superiority over them as it is in their nature to follow the instructions of the adults.
According to Article 1 of The Convention on The Rights of the Child, children are any persons aged from 0-17 years old or any other age of adulthood as stated by the particular States’ law (United Nations, 1990, p. 2). In Malaysia, the State adopt a similar look on the age of a child by virtue of …show more content…

By having the opportunity to seek for education, the children will be able to have a brighter future in the sense that they will be given more opportunities and chances by the job-givers that will eventually change their standard of living. Nowadays, the employees will be needing certain level of education before they can be offered for a job or position. As we all know, only through education can one come to know the benefits of it, and also the harm caused by child labour if it is not prevented from now. By depriving the child labourers from getting education, this will automatically deprived their chances to reduce poverty as one of the main factor of the involvement of children in child labour is due to poverty and education is one way which can help to reduce

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