Child Marriage In Nigeria

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Nigeria never failed in attracted the World’s attention on a topical issue of global interest. After the issue of a violence militant Islamist group Boko Haram, which has caused havoc in Africa’s most populous country for fighting a state governed by Sharia Law by abducting children, bombings and assasinations, Nigeria bring another issue to a more sensitive issue of individual, family, human rights on Child Marriage. Nigeria, particularly northern Nigeria, has some of the highest rates of early marriage in the world. It is because Nigeria is divided on religious grounds. On the South is mainly Christian and the North is principally Islam which implement Sharia Law. The high rates of child marriage in Nigeria is prevalent among the Hausa-Fulani …show more content…

Not all the people in Nigeria followed the regulations that has been made. The federal government only take control on the marriage which takes place within the civil system. The states in Nigeria that implements Sharia law do not prohibit child marriage because merely in Nigeria takes place under three legal systems based on the Laws of Lagos State. The legal systems are Islamic, statutory law or civil law and customary law. It can be seen that mostly the marriage in north of the country are using Islamic law, while those in the south are under statutory law. However in Nigeria, even though when people marry under statutory law, customary laws mostly win in personal matter. This child marriage is simply a traditional convention that has been allowed to subsist within …show more content…

Because all those children are the young generations that will become our next generation to make this world better. It is so sad to see how high the rates of child marriage in Nigeria. The children, mostly girls are vulnerable and they could not decide their own choices. They never feel how it is like to live like a teenager, spend their time in school, playing with their friends, seeking for jobs, have their own choices to love someone and live like other normal children in the other countries. They never feel it. their stage of life is start from children then become brides and last, mother for their children. And yes, they never feel it how to life like a teenager and an

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