
Fact Sheet: Latino Children In Child Welfare

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Fact Sheet: Latino children in Child Welfare. Casey Latino Leadership Group. Retrieved from https://www.nycourts.gov/ip/cwcip/Trainings/ECPCC/DMR/Latino- Disproportionality/latinoChildren.pdf According to the annual report distributed by the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS), 22% of the children in the foster care system in July 2014 were of Hispanic or Latino decent. In addition, research suggests that Latino children are typically younger than non-Latino children when they are referred to the child welfare system, which can be “concerning given that infants and young children are less likely to be reunified with their families”. While …show more content…

Consistent with the value of personalismo, parents stress the importance of a good relationship with their worker and the implications to their case. Child welfare policy is another factor that can impact workers’ abilities to provide culturally congruent services. Conflicts with child welfare workers may arise as policies that guide the public child welfare system practices are child centered and reflect main-stream values influenced by individualistic world views. The findings from this qualitative study indicate that substantial change is required if we truly aim to provide culturally congruent and relevant services to the families served by the public child welfare system. Towards this aim, child welfare practice and policies need (1) to be informed by the families’ perspectives, and (2) to address child welfare workers’ need for training and support. Thus, showing that such efforts will promote the effective transformation and development of child welfare services and policies at an organizational State and federal …show more content…

This article explains how this lack of awareness is unethical in social work practice and can cause clients great harm. Social workers need skills to assess clients’ entire systems. If ignored, social workers may echo society’s oppression by assuming that clients need to change, rather than working for societal change. This research also warns us that on the other hand, lack of cultural competence can also lead to overcompensation by social workers; clinicians may spend too much time focusing on culture or may excuse dysfunctional behavior. Child disciplines and physical abuse in immigrant Latino families; Reducing violence and misunderstanding. Journal of counseling and development. 80,

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