Chinese Philosophy Essay

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The Chinese philosophy is the conceptual and logical tradition of the Chinese culture from the scripted beginning to this present existence. It deals with the several schools of thought, which encompasses of Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Mohism and Buddhism (which was adopted from India). There are major bodies, from the Zhou dynasty, that profoundly influenced the thinking and the viewpoint of the Chinese ethnicity, figures like Confucius, Mozi, Laozi, and Mencius. These philosophers played major roles in the configuration and structure of the Chinese culture. The working system of the intellectuals of the Chinese was the system of humanism, which simply deals with the place and the roles of humans in their society. Due to the fact the …show more content…

Teacher called Laozi, sometimes spelled as ‘Lao-Tzu’, whose teachings were recorded in the Dao De Jing, conceived this philosophy. Laozi constructed the popular philosophy of Daoism, which is also spelled ‘Taoism’. Dao literally means "path" or “way”. The teaching is recorded in ancient text called the Dao De Jing; which is ‘The Classic of the Way and Its Power’ which contains text of 5,000 texts. Laozi believes that man needs to be in unity with nature and let go of worldly things and power. He believes man should be able to define his own path on earth and that laws restrict people, according to him human instinct and mind are good, and laws and rules are the reasons why people are bad, this is why people tend to act negatively. He believes that the best environment is one where leaders do not thrust rules on the citizens. Daoism taught the Chinese people how to act right regarding nature and its proceeds. It was not only a philosophy, and now it became a Chinese religion. Daoist philosophy widely influenced most Asian cultures; where those involved worship the Dao by ritual. There is a thin line between Daoism and Confucianism as the two traditions are very similar and share common ideas and most things like leadership, mans effect in his environment, and the universe as a whole. Some scholars believe Laozi was a real man, while others think he was a

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