Chlamydomona Oblonga Lab Report

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To satisfy the objectives of the project. Laboratory experiments were conducted in order to generate data that was used to validate certain assumptions about the oil yield and composition. The process modeling portion was initiated by defining the amount of resources required for algal biodiesel production; selection of appropriate processing technologies was then carried out . Algal strains and culture conditions Freshwater microalgal strains (C. Oblonga 11-60a) were obtained from the Sammlung von Algenkulturen Göttingen Culture Collection of Algae (SAG) Germany . Figure-4: Microscopic views of Chlamydomonas oblonga at 400X Media Preparation The following media have proved suitable for the maintenance of cultures in test tubes at the SAG for many years. The recipes originate from E. G. Pringsheim and W. Koch, unless stated otherwise. It must be emphasized that the maintenance …show more content…

Into round bottom flask taken 180 ml nHexane . Extracted at 75°C for 24 h until the solvent leached colourless. Dry solvent from sample. Followed by transesterification Transesterification process Transesterification is the process by which the glycerides present in fats or oils react with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst to form esters and glycerol Chemical-Catalyzed Transesterification. In a 150 mL Erlenmeyer flask with a magnetic stir bar placed 0.25 g of anhydrous sodium hydroxide and dissolved it with 10 mL of methanol. The mix was stirred until all of the sodium hydroxide was dissolved. In a 250 mL beaker placed 5 mL of algal oil. The oil was heated to 60ºC. Added 2 ml of the dissolved sodium hydroxide into the heated oil, immediate the mixture turns cloudy. Set aside to stir for 30 minutes on high. Transfer contents of beaker into a 250 mL separator funnel. Leave the mix to break up for overnight. Transfer the glycerol (bottom layer) into a beaker from

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