Narrative Essay On Cake Baking

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One Christmas when I was six,
I received a small boxed cake mix.
The box said it was enough for two,
But there were ten members in our family, my parents both knew.

So I sat on the couch confused for awhile,
Until my Dad brought in a gift that made me smile.
An easy bake oven-it looked so real,
It even had a Betty Crocker seal.

I jumped for joy at this new toy, I could not wait to bake,
My brothers came in and asked what I was going to make.
I showed them the tiny boxes and said they were for me and a friend,
But what do we get? How about us? The boy’s whining would not end.

They soon gave up and walked away and played with their brand new toys,
The living room floor was covered with fine gifts for all five boys.
I called my friend to come …show more content…

Virginia came from across the street,
She took one look and said “That is really neat”
After church we began to bake,
We were going to try the chocolate cake.

The pans were tiny and the mix so small, One bite for each of us and that was all.

The easy bake oven was a fun thing to do,
That very Christmas my interest in baking grew.

Now I still like to bake-I share my treats with others,
I still make birthday cakes for all my sisters and brothers.
I now have a beautiful kitchen with all I need for baking,
All my family always asks what am I making?

I never tell them ‘til I’m done, I play the guessing game.
Without that long ago gift, my life would not be the same.
I now bake for my husband’s office, friends, family and more,
Someday I’d like to open up a bakery type store. …show more content…

Dancing can make for a lovely time,
To add to the pleasure, have a glass of wine.

The music is ending-the time is near,
I whisper to my loved one, I love you dear.
He can see in my eyes the spark of delight.
We may have to take up dancing every night!


Some times of year we get lots of rain,
If it is steady and heavy it swells the city’s drains.
You need to watch the puddles-don’t’ ever drive too fast,
We never know how long these heavy showers will last.

We notice the day may look gloomy, the sun not seen,
But in a few days after rain, yards will turn green.
We like to build a fire when it is very damp,
We used to get warmed by a fire every time we camped.

The rain is getting heavier, you can hear it pitter pat,
We gather around the glass door and try to comfort cats.
The rain comes down, we sit and listen,
The rain drops make all of nature glisten.

We look out the window and what do we see,
But small hail pellets; how could this be?
The weathermen sometimes cannot really see,
Hail in our area was not supposed to be.

The hail melts quickly, no damage done.
Now we are all ready to have some fun.
We get coffee and scones and sit by our fireplace,
We keep the TV weather on just in

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