The Civil War was the bloodiest war ever taken place on American soil. The Civil War lasted from April of 1861 until April of 1865. The Civil War was about the slavery indifference between the Union, which was the northern states, and the Confederates, which was the southern states. The Confederates had separated from the Union, and had elected their own president, in which his name was Jefferson Davis. The United States president was Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War had started when he had just gotten into office. The slavery indifference was a huge part of the war. Abraham Lincoln handled that by writing the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves. He ended up releasing the document two times. The first time that he issued the …show more content…
The Confederate states ignored Lincoln's request and did not do anything that he stated. Lincoln then releases the document a second time on January 1,1862 and Lincoln released all slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation was made to free the slaves, but there were many people against it because they did not want to forfeit their rights of having slaves, and some people were skeptical of what the document had said because they did not get all of the logistics about it, and people were for it because they wanted to abolish all slavery and not have a Civil War which tears our country apart, and Lincoln compromised on his point of view and what he thought was best for the nation, and to be able to not get the South from starting a new nation.
There are many people who supported the Emancipation Proclamation. The slaves were the first people to celebrate the document because they were the ones being set free by Abraham Lincoln. Frederick Douglass, a black slave abolitionist made a speech in which he pronounced the proclamation the first step on the part of the nation in its departure from the servitude of the ages . This means that the Emancipation Proclamation was the first step towards ending slavery for the ages. Slavery
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His intentions were not just freeing the slaves, he was more about bringing the country back together and joining everyone. President Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, but his main concern was winning the war and bringing the North and South together again. He once wrote: “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it.” Lincoln first off wanted to save the country before slavery, but if he could save slavery with the country he would do it. He doesn't want a separate country but the slaves to be free, he wants the country to be saved before anything, and then they could work the slaves issue after. But Lincoln still hated slavery. Slavery was “an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and the State,” according to Abraham Lincoln in the 1850s. Lincoln thought that slaves were unequal to everyone and he wanted everyone no matter the skin color to be free from everything and not be owned by someone. He did want America back together but he also wanted the slaves to be free from everything. But, all the slaves that came up to the Union fought for the Union or helped with anything that the Union needed. Lincoln also said As a Republican, he wished to exclude it from the territories as the first step to putting the institution in the course of ultimate extinction. Lincoln wanted