Categroy Structures In Elementary School

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Classification can help humans to better understand the world and acquire concepts. Previous studies have shown that humans have at least two independent and competing classification systems—explicit verbal systems and implicit Procedural systems. It is generally believed that explicit systems have advantages in learning categroy structures whose classification rules are relatively easy to describe in verbalization, such as Rule-based categroy structures (RB). And Implicit systems have advantages in learning categroy structures whose classification rules are difficult to describe in verbalization, such as Information-integration categroy structures (II). The theory that there is a competitive relationship between classification systems is called …show more content…

In order to understand this age-related effect more concretely and comprehensively, we are trying to study the developmental characteristics of elementary school students learn three category structures (RB-S, RB-D, II) in the framework of COVIS. We not only explore the developmental trend of elementary school students and a critical period of development, but also compare pupils' learning differences between the three category structures and obtain specific classification strategies for elementary school students. Compared with previous studies, our study selected a extensive sample of age groups and refined the age group (6 age groups: 7 to 12 years old), and used line segment materials to construct the three category structures. The category structure and age are the factors of between-subject. The elementary school students in each age group need to learn the three category structures. After the participants complete their learning tasks, we will interview them to find out their specific classification strategies. The dependent …show more content…

(2) The performance of elementary school students' learning in the three category structures all continue to improve with grade, and there is no significant improvement from a certain grade. (3) The RB-S performance of all age groups was significantly better than that of RB-D and II, while there was no difference in the performance of RB-D and II. (4) Elementary school students in the 7-year-old and 8-year-old groups all need to go through 3 stages to pass the RB-S task, but they failed to pass the RB-D task and II task; In the 9-year-old group, elementary school students need to pass RB-S task through two stages and RB-D task through four stages, but fail to pass II task; Elementary school students in the 10 to 12-year-old groups need to pass the RB-S task through two stages and the RB-D and II tasks through three stages. (5) In terms of pass rates, elementary school students’ pass rates for all three tasks increased with age. It is worth noting that the pass rate of the 7-year-old group in the RB-S task was 59.6%, and that of the 9-year-old group in the RB-D task and II task was 50% and 49.2%, respectively. At the same time, the pass rate of 10-year-old group in the RB-D task and II task was 75.8% and 59.4%, respectively. Therefore, it is inferred that 9-year-old is

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