Classroom Management: Factors Influencing Teacher Stress

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Outline 1: classroom management

Maurice, B. ( 1982). Understanding classroom behavior. Melbourne: The Australian council for educational research.

( Teachers stress by provide a cognitive view for the students)

Factors influencing teacher stress. 1a. Teachers stress is not just confined to the classroom.
1b. It is interesting to note many thing like sources of stress relate to this situations where the teacher felt they had no control in student or between who are they doing to manage the classroom.
1c. The teachers role is becoming different on their training. style and stress for teacher and students

2a. Teaching life style is a way for how the teachers follow their rules by values teaching for students. …show more content…

(2003). Classroom management: Westchester book composition . United States of America: acid-free paper.

(Understanding management and discipline in the classroom)

A community of learners in the classroom.

1a. A learning community in classroom is designed to help all student to fell safe , respected and the valued for learn new skills.
1b. The teachers must identify community building as a high priority to have classroom that include teaching value like welcome and appreciated .
1c. To create a learning community , teachers must prepared for the lessons to be successful.

2. What is classroom management for students!?

2a. Order in the classroom by follow the rules. A learning community needs to have order by follow the rules for student to be successful.
2b. Domains of classroom management for students .select a philosophical model of classroom management, organize the physical environment like the way the desk the tables and other classroom materials has influence on order in the classroom.

3. Understanding misbehavior students in the classroom.

3a. Misbehavior in context, students who are not performing the planned instructional …show more content…

(Building a classroom community for students )

How the students be responsible citizens.

1a. The main point of education is to teach students how to be responsible citizens.
1b. " Mann believed that reading , writing and spelling were important for education to build a character of student.

2. Benefits of classroom community .

2a. A productivity students in classroom , by building trust among between adults and students.
2b. Behavior students in classroom , students learn many skills about the behavior in the classroom and they taking responsibility by making decisions and working and helping each other.
2c. Responsible students think about consequences before they act or doing any thing.

3. Elements of the classroom community .

3a. Empowerment students means providing students with opportunities to make decisions that effect their learning.
3b. Lead management is derived from glasser's choice theory, it is also based on the premise that misbehavior are the result for who needs for power and freedom and fun.
3c. Special education students , the students scored higher on achievement tests, when they were allowed by make choice.

4. Structure students in the

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